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Sunday 1 December 2013


It's December 1st and it feels odd to post this *covers face*

The only Nigerian Christmas ‘love song’ I’ve ever heard is one that taunts me. I don’t like songs that make me envious of the person singing or the person in the song. Well that particular song is ‘All I Want for Christmas’ and I was just looking for a Nigerian Christmas song o, not necessarily a love song, when I stumbled upon it.  I liked everything about it, but the message started taunting me a lot ‘A lover for Christmas’. Then I’d start hoping I’d get a lover for a Christmas gift and be anxious that yet another Christmas has come without a lover. Arrggh! Just the thought sef .

Yes! It’s so good loving somebody and that somebody loves you back. But when there’s no physical special somebody in the category that you can love, loving you and you loving back nko? You can’t kill yourself na. What do you do?

A romantic relationship in whatever level is usually over hyped. I mean, I’m married; does that make me a certified responsible citizen? Check the news. Relationship or marital status doesn’t mean a person does not remain who they are good or bad. We tend to think people who have attained active relationship status as peaceful, beautiful, loving, innocent, responsible, rich, et cetera. We just attribute good traits to them and the opposite traits to those who are not. STOP PREJUDICE! And check the news again.

So what do you do when there’s no special person to love you or for you to love? Obey God’s law. Love the lord your God with all your heart, mind, strength, and love your neighbour as yourself. It's straight forward enough.

The next post I may do on romantic relationships may be reasons why I’m not in one.
Watch this space!

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