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Friday, 23 November 2012


"Yet what we suffer now is nothing compared to the glory he will reveal to us later."

Have you ever reached that point that you feel a step further would break you? Oh! You've heard so many messages for comfort in time of despair. But really this is true.

Let me divert a little. The laws in Chemistry are very meticulous, you have to be precise with them, anything goes wrong the whole thing goes wrong. I think I have witnesses from people who were in chemistry labs in secondary school, doing things that didn't so much make sense to them and they could not apply to their everyday lives.

One thing I've understood lately is 'Faith is a law'. A law that defies present circumstantial reality, that brings things into existence before they are created, it is the creative force God placed in us that must be absolutely functional at all times till the creation is physically manifested.


If I'm in an environmental situation of lack, what is faith?

Generating thoughts, imagery, confessions and actions of supply till I see the supply which is my genuine and preferred reality. To generate thoughts, imagery, confessions and actions of anything contrary spoils the process of creation by altering it or slowing it down.

"And it is impossible to please God without faith"

God placed himself in us by giving us his nature, he gave us the power to create and placed it in our will to faith. He created by faith and also encrypted our DNA with the ability to do the same.

"By faith we understand that the entire universe was formed at God's command , that what we now see did not come from anything that can be seen"

Man who enjoys naming things, and has named this all kinds of things too, including the 'law of attraction'.

As we have God's life in us, we can't survive without faith. It is the only life line and life jacket we have to keep walking on water.

This is not dogma, this is not one of those religious jargon. THIS IS FAITH AND IT IS A LAW.

"Faith is SUBSTANCE of things hoped for; the EVIDENCE of things not seen"

It starts with you thinking it possible to have faith.