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Wednesday 4 December 2013




Hello there,

It's been a rough year and with the way most people are talking about death and its ominous manifestation, I think it's worth a thought. How would you feel if someone walked up to you telling you that you can prolong your stay on earth without any form of charm or vodoo? Oh yeah, you certainly would be interested as I would. Really, no one wants to die at an early age before his potential accomplishment but death would certainly come it's only a question of 'when'? Is there a way to shift the day of doom a bit forward?

So, I've always wanted to write something about people and their idiosyncrasies. I came in contact with a lot of people (especially death procrastinators) and I've always felt the urge to write something interesting about them but, as you probably know by now, I'm a death procrastinator and I postponed it till I was invited by a friend to contribute to her transformation of people  through my pen. I was forced to get up to do what I ought to have done months ago.  If you haven't read it, I think you really should here. I'm indeed indebted to her.

 I'm guessing there's something special, something interesting you've always wanted to do; someplace you want to go; something you badly want to achieve before your death. Is it playing a musical instrument? Learning a trade? Producing a movie that would outlive you? Writing that intriguing book?  Visiting that place you see in your dreams? Accomplish that feat no one has ever dreamed of? There are endless possibilities and unimaginable things you can achieve if only you'll listen to that voice that keeps telling you: "come on, come on, you can do it. Just try. Don’t think it’s impossible. People may laugh at you but what do you care? When you leave your name in the sands of time, when you achieve your goals, they'll come running to ask you how you did it. Then you must answer, 'I only listened to my heart'"

Well, as they say: "Death comes like a thief in the night" and like I'll say: "The fear of death is the beginning of fear itself" .Wouldn't it be pitiful and unsatisfying if we answer the divine clarion call and the only account we have to give is: "Errm, I was about to…"? Isn't it unsatisfying for someone with lesser knowledge, gift, talent and ability achieves what you've always dreamed of but, never got to start. God has deposited in us powerful potentials beyond our mortal imagination; we only have to tap into it.

Having said all these, let's drive into 2014 at a neck-breaking speed! We've got to paint the coming year red with our achievements. What are your resolutions for 2014? Mine's having a positive mind, what's yours?

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