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Saturday, 14 December 2013


Before it looks like I’m speculating about the obvious, there are some things that just eat me up when I see them.
I wanted to buy pap at a local’s house one of these days, and the pap seller’s daughter who packaged what I’d be buying seemed to be at least six months gone and she was obviously a teenager, it also seemed like she had stopped school telling by the time of the day and the period it was in the school calender. I couldn’t help but imagine the event that could have followed after she was found out. The heart break, interrogation, anathematization if any at all, and resolution. I wasn’t bothered that they seemed to be at peace with her condition now, at least one’s child can’t be so troublesome to the extent of offering the child to lions for lunch. But I was bothered if they saw any of the problems that caused her getting pregnant and wanted to do something about it or let it pass.

Just like we have seen or heard about classmates of our elder ones that got pregnant and left school, friends of friends that got an abortion, our own classmates that got pregnant too, there’s one I’m not sure if she had an abortion or had the baby. And we have been shocked by the realities, gossiped about them and felt untouchable by such circumstances.

The first time I was inspired to take a stand concerning teenage pregnancy was just about this time eight years ago. And finally taking vivid steps towards it now, I got talking with someone and he asked if the people that this societal ill affected the most saw it as a problem? I had thought about that before then I had to think about it again and to be sure,
I need objective views. You may have seen instances of complacency, disdain or pain with respect to the subject, or it may have affected you one way or the other.

So let’s do some role playing here. What would you do as a parent if your teen got pregnant or impregnated another?

Do the people most affected (i.e pregnant teenagers, the impregnator, friends and family of the former) by teenage pregnancy think it is a problem? Or am I in another world seeing problems where there are none?

Thursday, 12 December 2013


I think it's high time we take a stand for change and not just cheap talk. John C Maxwell said there is a difference between problem spotting and problem solving. The average Nigerian can spot problems and argue inexhaustibly about it. Let's ask how far that has got us, ehn? 

Let's be problem solvers in every little way we get the chance to and don't get the chance to be. Let's think, talk and think. Let's spot the problems, think and work to solving them. The status quo has got to end, aren't you tired?
Me I am o and I want to Take A Stand, Make A Difference. You nko?
Live. Learn. Love

Wednesday, 11 December 2013

REALITY CHECK #s 18, 19, and 20

Three in one! Hey!
Nah, it's not that bad. This is a sign of a new me trying to follow through with something I've committed to
do. Irrespective of the setbacks like bad internet network, exhaustion from the day, and writer's block I find myself here every night trying to upload some reflective musing of mine to keep up with what I've decided to do. Talk about perseverance. I don't want to keep going over the same things again and again. So that's #18.

#19 - Spontaneity, for me is very spontaneous. I wouldn't call myself a spontaneous person in any personality assessment, but sometimes I make resolutions and stand by them in the twinkle of an eye (I enjoy it and find it strange at the same time Weird right?!)This series is a product of one. My decision may be spontaneous doesn't necessarily mean the thoughts that lead to the decision are always so. Before you jump into conclusion and decision again, think about it.

#20 - It's exactly Twenty days to the end of the year. Now, I recall what I want to develop into my personal mantra, 'God has not given me the spirit of fear, but he has given me the spirit of power, of love and of a sound mind'. In the absence of anything to say we should learn to be silent. Lingual caution. The mouth can sometimes be very distracting. I'm identifying moments and situations my mouth could be the setback and asking God for a wise tongue that rightly applies what it knows, you could try that too ;).

With heavy eyelids...
Live. Learn. Love

Tuesday, 10 December 2013


Nowadays it seems the TV won’t switch from MADIBA’s channel. Learning more about his life from the documentaries showing on the channel, I’ve been awed as to what manner of man Nelson Mandela was. I would not pretend that I’ve read all ever written about him and I've known him like the back of my palm prior to his death that has made his life more conspicuous, but I would like to say he reminds me a lot about Jesus Christ.

And talking about Jesus Christ, after I watched the movie Pay It Forward I somewhat agreed that people who get to do really extraordinary things that shake the world to its core, don’t get to live for so long. Nelson Mandela’s life has reduced the degree to which I believe that a great deal. This evening in my room sitting by myself I wondered how, who taught this man what to do, who helped shape his perspective? Then I found out his view on the Bible, the book that helped him through his years in confinement. Ah! No wonder! He thought the Bible to be a useful tool, and yes he’s right we’ve all seen it’s true. Nelson Mandela’s life is an epitome of love; it’s all wrapped up in love.

There are few things that I want to point out from his life

First, Selflessness is the way to go. This man gave everything for what he believed in, a common good, the heart of God for all his children. And he left all to commit to the cause, not minding it may cost his life.

Second, his humility is something I’m still trying to wrap my mind around. He had well channeled pride, to his heritage and the things that made him who he was. And was able to let down his pride in ways that disarmed his enemies, I think commendable is an understatement in this aspect.

Third, sincerity and transparency, he remained true to his beliefs in equal treatment of all men, installing and instilling peace, forgiveness and love in everything he said and did. Never spiting or retaliating is evidence that it emanated from within. He remained true to what he stood for, the people, and in NO WAY did he trade them for himself.

Fourth, this kind of life is sooo rewarding. Sincerely, no business venture can singularly boast of the returns that being sold out (for the cause that others would greatly benefit them) can bring. This is not about money speaking; Mandela’s life brought the world to him, gained access to greatest things in the world and became the celebrity of celebrities.
Let me stop here!

Nelson Mandela’s life proved that a message is rather caught than taught. It is easily embedded that way. That was how Christ lived and he did so that we would emulate him.

“Arise, Jerusalem! Let your light shine for all to see. For the glory of the LORD rises to shine on you.
Darkness as black as night covers all nations of the earth, but the glory of the LORD rises and appears over you.

All nations will come to your light; mighty kings will come to see your radiance.”

The world celebrates Mandela for a life well spent, not everyone would get that opportunity, but we should never miss opportunities to make God famous.

Live. Learn. Live

Sunday, 8 December 2013


For everyone who is passionate about seeing an advanced Africa and a new dawn, bringing about change and a transformation. I dug this out, watched and had a reality check that I want you to have too. Somehow it makes me feel like going back to school. I really need to know what I'm in for if I want to make a difference, it's not for the feeble minded. His speech has made me reflect on the shame we've had for leadership especially in Africa over the years. Is there ever going to be a change, based on the realities surrounding us with some incumbent leaders ruling in some countries for long overdue years and other shameful scenarios we have? The corruption that has eaten so deep and wide like a terminal sickness? And so many other issues.
Do you totally agree with George Ayittey's views in this video? Please watch and share your thoughts.

Live. Learn. Love