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Saturday 7 December 2013


DISCLAIMER: This is not a personal confession or true story, but a fictional expression of the writer's imagination.


The last thing I want to be is ‘the other woman’. What happened to the single guys? It seems all the good guys are taken! Now, some of these taken guys are not watching themselves, they are beginning to sound emotionally unfaithful to their partners and they are not taking caution. Won fi nkan ti won o ni je, run mu (They are playing with what they don’t intend eating). I’m really wondering what’s happening.

We meet somehow and become friends, you are taken and I’m not, in fact I’m not scared you are going to be asking me out so I feel quite safe, no strings attached and very harmless. You find me interesting as I do and we begin to share experiences, knowledge and interests. In fact that is great, I’m gaining advancement from our association and seeing you as someone I could learn a lot from. We spend time that seems rather quality and sometimes quantity, what would I rather do? You have become a good friend of mine. You check on me when we are not together, probably after we've parted from being at the same place. I feel I’m accountable to someone, but another thing seems to show up, something I’ve probably not noticed or waved off thinking it impossible with you…Chemistry? No Way! I’m in denial, then I fill in the gaps and make up excuses to justify that it is not what I think.

Then, the calls, context of concern, wishes and care given get me wondering if your partner knows about me and our ‘friendship’ or if she really exists because you never mention her or anything about her, unless I ask. You sound more content and comforted from your worries by the sound of my voice or words of encouragement. You take my opinions and advice seriously above any other. Now it’s alarming! Does she really exist? Or am I gradually becoming your other woman? Am I gradually allowing an emotional affair here and ignoring the tendencies? OMG! What’s happening? I’m beginning to smile replaying my day in my head with you having ninety five per cent of appearances in the scenes. NOT THE OTHER WOMAN! NOT THE OTHER WOMAN!! NOT THE OTHER WOMAN!!!
Are these the thots of a lady seeing mistress symptoms?

“Let he who thinks he stands, take heed lest he falls.”

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