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Saturday, 28 April 2012


The way of life characteristic of a particular person, group or culture is a lifestyle. Strange I’m starting this write up this way, but you would get to understand why as you read on. Scanning through service and studying by observation what different people wear to church and what does their appearance show to those observing like me. (Don’t get me wrong, I don’t go to church to assess other peoples’ dress sense, but for once let’s just take a look at it). It goes from shabby, to fashion faux pas, the ‘okays’ then the fashionistas. All of these categories have both decent and indecent dressers. Less I forget there is another category and that is what I call the ‘Glory glow’. You know, there are some people you see in church and you feel like saying “Oh, Sister you look glorious” and you mean what you said even if you don’t know them. Yeah! That’s because something beyond their dress sense that makes them appear appealing.
When the controversy of how people dress to church comes up, we hear statements like ‘God is not looking at the outward appearance but is looking at the heart.’ Yeah, that’s true because God himself said so in 1 Samuel 16:7 and he said it to Samuel himself when Samuel wanted to anoint one of Jesse’s son. So when you stand in front of that mirror (That’s if you stand before one) dressing for church, what’s on your mind? It’s not a pity most issues like this place emphasis on the female gender; it is how our maker wired us. What do you think of when dressing to church? How to show all eyes at the day’s service that you rock? It’s a holy day and you should not offend the eyes that are officiated to scout for offenders of the dress codes and conduct of the church, or you just have to look shabby because you think it enhances your humility before God.
Your dressing actually reflects some part or even the whole of your lifestyle. It reflects your heart and the kind of person you are. It says whether you are an open, straightforward, cunning, liar, double minded, honest or down-to-earth person. Most people dress to church like it is only on Sundays that God sees what they wear or it is only in the church premises that God sees what they wear. Talk about heart issues. Is that what you think it is? I’m not talking about what we are told to or not to wear in church, I’m talking about our lifestyle as Christians. Being a Christian is not about dos and don’ts being a Christian is a lifestyle that reflects Christ in us. When you dress what goes on in your mind? Do you see yourself as a cast away, a slave or as one loved by the almighty Father? Do you see yourself as one not worthy of the Father’s love and appear as one far from the Father or as one basking in His love.
As God sees your heart, man sees the outside. Yes! God is most important person to please and man should also be considered because being obedient to God also involves living peaceably with men. So please do not call for offence deliberately with your dressing, but beyond the physical go for God’s pleasure in you.
I like to think myself as royalty when I dress, not because my name speaks royalty but because I bask in the love of the King of Kings who has made me his child and in his likeness. So how does royalty dress? They do dress in a way that speaks about who they really are, where there are from and what they do?
If you are assured of your person and position in Christ I believe this should guide your style. Are you dressed like a love child of a love God? Are you dressed like it is in Christ you walk, live and have your being? Are you dressed like you are born of God and do overcome the world?
I’m not here to give advice on the unnecessary details of your style, but I’d just say that you be honest and be sure God is pleased with you because it does reflect to the outside. Let Christ be the core of your lifestyle.
My name is Adeyinka Adefemi, beyond my father’s name I would like to be known as Adeyinka Omooba well that’s because I’m the child of the most high King, I’m heavenly royalty and my name says I’m encompassed with His royalty. Nice meeting you too, so until next time I’d take a cue from my elder brother and say “Stay Beautiful”.


Laolu Olaoye said...

Keep it up. Beautiful write-up!

Mjady said...

Thank you sir.

Unknown said...

The piece is both heart searching and Heart rending at the same time.

Mjady said...
