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Saturday, 9 February 2013

How To Or Not To Propose.

WARNING: Long but interesting post ahead.

It's that time of the year again, that time they call the 'Season of Love' (Sorry, I'm not a big fan). I guess this particular day records the highest number of marriage proposals every year. You know I'm talking about Valentine's day.

Last year, one of my secondary school seniors got a proposal on the radio on Val's day (The guy proposed to her on radio, just in case you don't understand) it was mushy...you know...and it worked for her, they married in December.

When you see 'I'm not a big fan' of Valentine's day, it does not mean I'm a hater (maybe just a table fan LOL), God knows I'm a romantic, I just don't show it.

Maybe one of the reasons why I'm not a big fan of Valentine is because my romantic relationships have not lasted till Valentine's yet. But seriously, the thing that makes Valentine not tick for me is that I may be expecting something if I'm in a romantic relationship and I hate expecting, because it is synonymous to extreme apprehension or (God forbid) an OCD for that thing I'm expecting.

Marriage proposal is an overwhelming experience especially for ladies, guys should not think that ladies want marriage so bad, they don't care how you ask.

We ladies are the ones who like to talk about the proposal stories. Tiwa Savage's birthday party cum proposal this week, was what got us gisting about how we like or do not like to be proposed to. The following are the views of ladies who could not resist the juicy gist that morning, just before the work started weighing.

I would not like a proposal on a day I'm expecting surprises, like Val's day or my birthday. It won't work for me, my mind would have gone far and wide about what, how and where the surprises would come from. I'd like it innovative and unexpected, but not overboard.

I hope I get a proposal on Valentine's day, it would be so lovely. I just want to hear those words.

He proposed on one of our outings, I was not expecting it. We were on a boat cruise and that was all I was excited about till we got to the middle of the ocean and the boat stopped. I was wondering whatever may have happened while he feigned trying to pick a call and bringing his phone out of his pocket. The next thing I know is, he going on one knee with a ring in his hand...*gasp*

The first proposal I received was at the airport, I was returning from a trip. I was approaching my boyfriend who was supposed to receive me when I saw him go on one knee, I was totally embarrassed. I accepted, just to avoid embarrassing him in front of that crowd. After that day, I declined his proposal because I was not ready for marriage, but we remained friends. Years after that we were in a romantic relationship again and he proposed in a better way this time. Our marriage is almost two years old now.

Any day is special for a marriage proposal in my opinion, the guy should be creative with his 'element of surprise' and make it special for his lady.

*I wish this was a disclaimer but Mjady, is single Yem  is dating, ML is engaged, Tomy and Desy are married.

Now it's your turn to share your thots.

Friday, 8 February 2013

It Takes Courage To Live

On Monday morning this week, I was reading a CV that didn't seem like the owner should be applying for the post of a driver. I would have thought him an executive (Just by his dressing) if he didn't open his mouth to say he was applying for the job vacancy. If I was HR, I don't think I would have had liver to employ him as a driver. I can't help thinking what unfortunate factor caused his present situation. But that's not what breaks my heart.

Waiting to be called for final test driving, he makes a call and at the other end of the line is the most beautiful voice I've ever heard. "Are you back from school?...Do you have any money with you?" He asked.
"No" she answered. He mentioned something about her going to meet someone then the call ended. He excused himself to use the convenience...I got teary eyed.

The thing is, it's not everyone that has to courage to live after life throws a big stone into their stable pond. I don't know what office this man held before coming to apply to be someone's driver, but what one thing I know he has is 'Courage'. That is what makes a man do something about the suffering of his family, throwing aside pride, ego, and shame. Not every man does this, that I'm sure of, so I celebrate the ones I see.

Cheers! To this man of courage.

NB: This is not his picture.

Monday, 4 February 2013

The Parable Of Leverage.

Once upon a time there lived a very great teacher, he had great wisdom and performed signs & wonders. He also had ardent followers he called 'disciples' and sought to teach them as they lived from day to day. He taught his followers and listeners mostly in parables but one day he sought to teach them in a practical class.

They were on one of their crusades, he had taught and ministered to them, it was getting closer to dusk and he perceived the crowd that had been with him would be hungry by now. His disciples perceived alike and said to him to send the crowd to nearby farms and villages to feed themselves, but the teacher refused and asked them to do something about it. Though he knew what to do.

One of the disciples said "Even if we worked for months we won't get money that may feed this multitude." Another disciple found someone's lunch, five barley loaves and two fish, just after the teacher had asked what they had and for the multitude to be numbered "But what can this do for Five thousand men?" He wondered aloud as he handed them over to the teacher. 

The teacher asked his disciples to get the multitude seated, when that was done he lifted the lunch and his face heavenward and gave thanks, then he broke the lunch passing it on to his disciples to serve the multitude. Everyone ate, when they were satisfied, the teacher asked the leftover be gathered. When the leftover was gathered it filled twelve baskets. Once again it was another wondrous work, but did they learn the lesson?

This is the parable of leverage; using what you don't own to get what you want.
I hope you can read between the lines too.