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Wednesday, 7 May 2014


Mehn! I have to get into a romantic relationship, not friend zone how do I catch this fish? 
In the quest of finding love in companionship and satisfying the need for affiliation by first going out, stop being a hermit and being friendly, what happens in the process? I’d give you a scenario.


So I’m finally at the mall, at the movies precisely and this really cute guy takes a seat beside which would be the only one beside me because I took the seat by the edge and I’m with no friends as usual (Habits die hard or what?). This cute guy is acting really nice to me, offers me his popcorn, leans over to make comments about the movie, practically flirting with interest, his ‘A’ game is on and he wants my number. Oh my, what do I do? I’m responding because I’m trying to be friendly right? But at this point  it becomes really  tempting for me to do anything to probably gain this friend and create an opportunity to get this romantic relationship, so I try to be who I think he may be looking for. You can notice this most in the way I’m conversing with an accent trying to locate its bearing on the map. It’s allowed naw, at least we do the initial ‘forming’ stage, then when we are in the relationship proper maybe marriage I can now be myself because I’m sure he’s going nowhere.

Apart from the foneh (Forced foreign English accent), what are the other tactics we use at first sight of the eye candy opposite sex we want to attract? Why do we pretend to be who we are not with someone we find attractive at first sight? Is it okay to form for that prospective or new boyfriend or girlfriend at the beginning of the relationship to prove you are worth being with, that you are sophisticated and good or to keep them attracted to you?


Unknown said...

it was really interesting but in the other way wrong, so many people never think the same with with you

Mjady said...

Thanks Emmanuel, but what I don't get what you are saying.