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Tuesday, 29 May 2012

Church Vs The Fashionista: The Fear of Being Preached At

One Friday afternoon, after I was done with a meeting with the Charity organization I was a member on campus, I was headed for my room, I met one of my friends *Shina, who used to attend my Christian fellowship once upon a time. My phone’s battering was running down and I didn’t want it to automatically power off soon but I didn’t mind sacrificing time to inquire of his welfare, at least he wasn’t on the run to another lecture this time.
 So, how was he doing? Sometime ago, he told me he was busy in Lagos with the fashion industry, so he wasn’t always around for Sunday services in my fellowship and had to attend another that held their meeting in the evening if he did at all. Now, he was less busy but wasn’t attending any Church. To get the reason why, I had to press further. So he said it was because he wanted to avoid being criticized for his dress sense.
Let me paint a picture of his appearance. His hair is dyed gold (Or is it blonde?) with brown, bluish-green contact lenses, pencil jeans, bogus footwear and any other thing that’s fad. Not so conventional for naija right? But he didn’t want to be judge by the way he dressed, he said “I don’t know why people would see me and say I can’t be Christian because of the way I dress, I’m into fashion and I do dress like it.” (I paraphrased)
His fashion sense may even make you question his sexual orientation. At least I have, in my thoughts, and not had enough nerve to confront that aspect.
I believe *Shina is not the last of his kind in Church; I believe you do see people who you think their fashion sense is kind of overboard in Church.
Does dressing what’s in vogue have anything to do with your spirituality?
Should we preach at people like this in Church?
Should they resort to Home Chapel like *Shina has?
Should we throw them out of the flock so they won’t pollute it?
Should they change their dress sense to at least please the Church?
What would Jesus do?
These are the thoughts that went through my head after I had parted ways with *Shina. I seem to consider both sides, that is the church and fashionistas like *Shina and I’m not sure whose attitude I totally support.
Your view on this is highly appreciated. You could help someone get it right.

 *Shina is used to protect the identity of my friend.


Anonymous said...

I'm really not concerned about what anybody would say because what people say isn't always the issue. But because of his Fashion he wouldnt go to Church??? Is he thinking rightly? The Bible says, if ur hand causes u to sin, cut it off. His own is just his shirt and pants and he cant remove it?
Besides, because u love fashion doesnt mean you have to dress questionably..

Anonymous said...

i think shina should search within is he convinced that what is doing is fine, it is only when he find peace within that he can find outside. Personal i believe that God looks at our inner intentions.

Mjady said...

Hmmn! You're very right and funny. Loving fashion and dressing questionably aren't the same. Thanks