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Tuesday, 31 December 2013

REALITY CHECK #34 - Do you think you have the right to be offended?

In the struggle of separating the times that I should be assertive, firm in my interpersonal relationships, and humble. I find out that I hold on to hurt on my pride especially. Someone said ‘Hurting people hurt others’ and I find it to be true. Have you ever wondered why people wrong others intentionally most times?

Pride is the root of all sin, we feel we have a right to be gratified, to have, and do certain things irrespective of what it does to another.
Do you think you have the right to take offence? Someone does something you find offensive or annoying and you feel you have the right to hold on to what hurts your pride. Let me burst your bubble, No! You don’t.
Whether you believe or not Jesus Christ died for all your sins and our Heavenly Father forgives our sins when we ask for it in Jesus name. So after he does forgive you, you don’t have the right to stay offended on anything. You are to forgive just like you were forgiven. Just think about it you were forgiven every single offence you committed to everyone you ever did and now someone offends you or a lot of people offend you. Shouldn’t you do as it was done to you?

Someone also said ‘He that is forgiven much forgives much’ I want to believe and see it. And I’m going to start with me. What about you?

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