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Wednesday, 23 January 2013

SOS : Six and Molested.

There are a lot of incidences that occur to people everyday that indicate that the world is ailing and would still be, but it doesn't mean that nothing should be done about the world's ailments.

*Funsho who is not able to cater for the education of all his children turns to his siblings for help, and his idea of help is scattering his children across his siblings' families so as to get them educated. *Queen moved to stay with her aunt when she was Four years old so she could get educated, but she has been handling responsibilities far from her age's capability. Now she returns from school everyday to wait for hours outside the house, hungry and unattended to, till her aunt returns from her shop with her cousins who attend a different school and are dropped to be with their mum till they retire to their home. *Queen is now Six years old and not just waiting after school unattended to, a neighbor has sighted her in the mallam's shop being molested by the pervert. *Queen denied it when she was asked what happened.

I've not been so settled after hearing this story, these happenings are the foundations of the promiscuous girls of tomorrow. I wondered if there was a rescue operation body out there that can save Queen from the neglect and abuse she's experiencing everyday..

You can say this is not my business, but I'm on her case would still be on her case till there's a way out for Queen.

How many more bent trees do we have wait to get from twisted saplings?

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