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Sunday, 27 May 2012

Children's Day? :-(

"After we had rehearsed that verse repeatedly they were singing it like they were intoxicated or something. I was pissed and yes I felt like whipping all of them."

We were supposed to gather for the last rehearsal more like 'touching up', A parent walked up to me and accused me of not allowing her son to participate in the choir, saying he said so. Finding out who her son was I told her he could not join contrary to the claim that he knew the song, because he was not present for the rehearsal and we had changed the song.

Even if we had not changed the song, I wouldn't have allowed him join them. I 
wonder what value system parents are teaching their wards. Or are they still leaving the responsibility to the teachers both in school and church to train their wards morally? Why are some parents so lazy to do what's right and be examples to their children, they don't teach them commitment, discipline and obedience amongst other virtues and they expect them to get good results, to be seen in the front line, and to be praised?!

More than half of them came late to church. We ministered our song, they sang the song like they just heard it for the first time, missed the beats, notes, tempo, just name it. After service and the celebration, I had a word with them and trust me I didn't pat them on the back.

I believe in them, and I won't leave them to lazily allow God's greatness in them rot. I'm going to keep them on their toes.
I so much anticipated for how this day would turn out, but it turned out to be disappointing.

I hope you don't think I'm evil, I just can't settle with their mediocrity.

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