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Monday, 13 May 2013

Would You Just Take Me As I Am?!

I've tried to present issues on 'Understanding in the family', to know what people go through when they tread paths and they feel not even their family is involved in the journey in an encouraging manner.

Understanding in the family is very crucial as it mends our relationships and we can always accept the person of each family member especially if we ourselves are accepted by them. When people who are not our blood relations accept us beyond how we may have judged ourselves we start to think of the as 'Family'.

Have you ever felt like you had to fix your the mind set of your family members? Then you need to read this post from an inspiring blogger named Julie Fidler, the name of her blog is 'Amazed By Grace'.

I really have to share this here, though it borders on mental health, it centers on 'Family Acceptance' and has a lot of points I'd like to pass on and drive home. Let's promote love from our homes because "Charity begins at home".

Read Julie's post here.

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