You may have set new year resolutions in the past and not seen yourself accomplish them, so you have given up on the 'resolution' thing. But hey, if you aim at nothing you would hit it every time.
So here is a simple way of setting goals and achieving them.
Be aware of your thoughts and eliminate negative thoughts by not paying attention to them e.g Don't think I would not be sick, think I am healthy.
Write your goals as a list of things that you want, instead of a set things you MUST do. Adding necessity introduces pressure and fear. After all goals are a finish in sight we would love to see.
Don't shortchange yourself, dare, take risks, go out of your comfort zone with what you want.
Don't be afraid to plunge in and take opportunities in achieving these goals, in the process you would learn from your successes and failures.
Cultivate the habit of gratefulness, see every goal as accomplished and give thanks to God everyday for them.
Try these method faithfully and you would be happy with the results you get.
This year I want to be unsensationally sensational. Watch me as I get there.
This is a very simple post but I find so much sense in this.. thanks for sharing.
You're welcome:).
Hmmm...quite effective to make a successful and achievable new year resolution. Thought-provoking and informative...Would try to put them into practice, tnx.
Thanks Invincible, I would be happy to hear the results.
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