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Thursday, 20 December 2012

5 Ways To Win Your Private Battles

"You will not have a glory without a story, no victory without a fight. The surest ingredient for expansion is adversity. Until you are tested, you can't be trusted. Trials bring triumphs and giants are signposts to Canaan. No Goliath, no king David!"
This is a quote from someone's post on a social media platform and it just spoke to me so much that I wanted to share my thots on it.
 Before public victories are won private victories have to be won first. There are territories in your life that you have to take over before you can confidently fight to win and be an attested conqueror. 
There are certain territories you have to win privately, they are:
1. The territory of external influence: Coming to place where you are in control of what force and giving access to forces that influence you in one way or the other.
2. The territory of perspective: This is the way you see yourself, others, what you desire and situations that bind you and these things in one way or the other.
3. The territory of fear: I guess you have heard that courage is not the absence of fear. It is the dwelling on our fears that brings what we fear to reality.
4. The territory of thought creation: This is a lot of work but it is expedient for the winning of any battles at all, because battles start from the center of our thoughts. That's why winning the territory of external influence is important too. Thoughts create what you see and the truth is you can control your thoughts to aid your journey.
5. The territory of persistence and perseverance: This is continual action in other words, this is not easy but all these territories are intertwined and have to work together.
Tests and examinations come before certificates. Read the quote above again.
These are thotstoshare as I live learn and love.

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