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Wednesday, 3 October 2012

Personal Biases - MTN Project Fame

It was just Marvelous and Ayo left holding hands, seeing their tensed faces and imagining what would be going on in their heads prior the announcement of the winner was exciting. So dear Ayo won and I'm one of the bloggers blogging about it.

This is the first event I'm blogging about and due to logistic reasons I get to post this three after the event. I'm going in the spirit of 'better late than never'. I'm going to be reporting the show with biases that I'd express 'simple and short'.

#1- I wanted Adetoun to be the ultimate winner, but I'm glad she didn't. Being the winner is not always everything and may not pay for everyone. For instance Timi and Omawunmi of West African Idols.

#2- I wanted Musulyn to win too. She was strong, going through adaptation and challenged by unfamiliar grounds, she exhibited positive change. And I wanted a non-Nigerian to win for once.

#3- I suggest that better innovative delegation should be employed by the MTN Project Fame West Africa. All participating countries should be equally represented, let them have a share of winning. MTNPFWA is not only for Nigeria.

#4- I was really wondering why Praise Adejo (Praiz), a quality product from MTNPFWA debut season (the same season that produced Iyanya who made a hit after almost 5 years) was not invited to perform at either the penultimate performance called 'Collaboration Night' or at the Grand Finale.

#5- I'm glad Ayo won anyway, he has the Afrobeat flavor and was the only one ladies were waiting for to marry them after the reality show ends (Reference to the last Google Plus hangout they had). There's just something about him that makes the ladies want to take him home to daddy.

That's my piece

Your biases are welcome, post them in the comment box. Thanks

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