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Friday, 21 September 2012

Making You Happy

It's been a while I posted something here and I'm still thinking I don't really know what to write but this is my blog and I can write when and what I feel like. If you don't like it, go and get your own. Just joking, :) I'm smiling ear to ear sure there are no haters here, bobos. Thanks for coming here after a while anyway, at least you're still faithful to the blog. God would bless your ministry. I hope you said 'Amen'.

Today, I just thought about days when things aren't so sweet and if you're like me, receiving no inspiration to be creative. What do you do to survive? Yeah! I mean it SURVIVE, cause some situations are threatening your existence, adaptation and being productive in whatever area you are facing this threat.

It's not like I'm feeling low today, I'm just wondering about days when things aren't so great and you're beginning to doubt somethings you've said to you about you, maybe in front of the mirror.
What do you do to help the situation on a bad day?
How do you get yourself happy again?

PS: I'm going to be addressing an important topic after this and your comments would help so much in making it possible. Thanks for dropping your thots in the comment box. ;)

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