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Tuesday, 12 June 2012

In Pursuit of Financial Freedom

I was not born with a silver spoon in my mouth, but I desire to place one in the mouths of my children and not struggle at keeping it there. My desire would not be gotten by financial security (By getting married to a knight in SHINY ARMOUR, you know what I mean. ;)) but by financial freedom.
Because I also love to have a GREAT life (which entails a lot), I do want to get financial freedom at an early age. So watch out for me, I’m a billionaire in the making.

What is financial freedom? Financial freedom is when the sum of your passive income is WAY greater than the sum of your expenses. I hope I’ve not started with the jargons? Just in case you don’t understand that definition, I would define income as money coming in and expense as money going out. I hope that’s simple enough.

I would further explain as I have learnt that we may not all have income in common but what we all have in common is expense, whether or not we earn, we do spend money. Income can come in two ways as explained by Robert Kiyosaki as Active income and Passive income. Active income is anything that involves your time, energy, money and presence to bring the money in. While Passive income is anything that does not require the active involvement of your time, energy or life to bring the money in (That means the money keeps coming in even after death).

Expenses also are in two ways, Budgeted expenses and unbudgeted expenses. Budgeted expense is the money you plan or are looking forward to spend on something in particular, while an unbudgeted expense is just the opposite.

 You can have both incomes, just one, which is absolutely going to be active income, or none. But you would always and without fail have both budgeted and unbudgeted expenses (I think it is inevitable). I believe you have to go through or make active income, before you make passive income.

So I want to have the sum of my passive income to be WAY greater than all of my expenses. Great! My pursuit of financial freedom is not synonymous to a get rich quick scheme or mentality or a rat race. I desire to learn, know, grow patiently and be rightly guided unto financial freedom by standing on the shoulder of giants and riding on the wings of eagles. So help me God.

Taking a snapshot of my current financial status, I look like a total mess. I’m not even on square one I’m on square zero. But the journey to financial freedom starts with the honest snapshot of my current financial situation. In fact, I’m embarrassed by what it looks like at my AGE and SHOE SIZE (Marital Status not yet included).

Azzin… look at Dr. Farrah Gray, who fooled me that I had to be done with schooling, then get a job, than maybe I could start making money after?! Finding out his story really got me inspired and feeling like I had wasted my youth. But I’m bracing up and giving my dreams a long shot, deciding to be a relentless builder of a financial dynasty that would be worthy of note.

I hope you find this interesting and of help to you. Your thoughts about this write up are most welcome in the comments box. Thanks for sharing this post as I believe you would and for dropping your comments as I believe you are going to right NOW. ;)

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