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Friday, 18 May 2012

The 11 Question Tag

“Cee, I’m taking your advice to really take a deep breath before embarking on this task” *Deep Sigh* I must confess I don’t know what to say or how to say what I may have to say, I’d try anyway (Omo mehn, see rhymes). So this is a game (I think) that my lovely friend tagged me in, to play and I must say “Cee, I’d be doing a lot of follow follow”. So I’d write the rules for the sake of those who would get tagged by me *mischievous look * It’s no revenge I just want to ta e lofa 11 questions tag (You have to understand Yoruba to get that). Thanks for tagging me Cee, I guess it’ll be fun. So let’s go!
*Post the rules.* You must post 11 random things about yourself*Answer the questions that your tagger posted for you* Ask your 11 questions, then choose 11 people and tag them to answer your questions*Remember to let them know you tagged them*No tag backs…*Let the tagger know when you’ve answered their questions*
1. I don’t know my height or weight precisely
2. I like fabulous and decent fashion but do not have much of what could make that kind of fashion sense.
3. I think I like a little of everything, so my interests really go wide.
4. I hate being called the ‘baby of the house’.
5. I like to analyse (I won’t say criticize) creativity, so I’ve got the hots for creativity in quite a number of areas.
6. I love seeing my reflection, it still thrills me and I could be best singer, dancer, actress, speaker…you name it …right in front of MY mirror.
7. It beats me that I’m quite talkative though I don’t have a good command of words to express myself. I love talking to myself the most and I enjoy every bit of it.
8. I don’t have any favourite food or colour but when it comes to clothing, I kinda have the HOTS for grey/ash. Beats me and I don’t think I’m proud about it.
9. I may easily like a guy but it will pass.
10. I love having fun, but I don’t and I’m scared I’d lose my ‘fun know-how’
11. I just realised I was a ‘Mel’ about a month ago, (Imagine! And I’m a psychologist in making) and was shocked some people thought so too. Didn’t think I was that introverted, though I know I’m very introspective. I love it anyway.
They are random and eleven so that’s it. Was tempted to tell you all I know about me.
1. What do you do in your spare time?
# Don’t really have spare time now because I really can’t differentiate what’s work or not
2. What one thing are you most proud of?
# What I see when I look in the mirror.
3. What is your ultimate dream vacation?
# Hmmmn… (Hard one) but Maldives, it’s being hyped to take my breath away so I’d like that one with HIM
4. What are you most looking forward to in the next year?
# I don’t know if I’m sad it is not marriage but starting graduate school hopefully
5. Most important thing you are saving up for?
# Truthfully, I’m not saving money up for anything
6. Have you ever rescued someone? What were the circumstances?
# Trying to jug my memory for that one…it’s not forthcoming…but it’s certainly positive
7. Who influenced you the most when you were a child?
# Mummy
8. Who influences you the most now?
# God
9. What is the most daring or dangerous thing you’ve ever done?
# Daring: Waking one morning, cutting my hair
10. What person in history would you most like to meet?
# Lincoln or Einstein
11. What would you love for your next birthday gift? (I just might surprise you ;)
# This is the best part. I want to own a building I’ve been eyeing on Ring road Ibadan

1. Where is the place you get most inspired?
2. Who is your mentor?
3. What comes to your head when you think Ibadan (Western Nigeria)?
4. What was the last silly thing you did?
5. How old are you?
6. What passes as indulgence for you?
7. What happened the last time you prayed for a miracle?
8. What was your most embarrassing moment?
9. Describe an outfit you’d love to appear in?
10. Can you recall the name of your first crush?
11. Are you reconciled to God through Jesus Christ?

Now, who am I tagging?

Koye's Blog
ade adefemi
Memoirs of a Note-Taker
Loulette's Lounge
Power, Love and a Sound mind
Chukky, Naija girl with dimples....

OWKIES! That's it. Yeah...I know they are not up to eleven, but for other bloggers who had tagged more than eleven, add their excess to mine, don't worry it would soon be complete.
Thanks for stopping by and those I tagged had better answer quick! Cheers!


Anonymous said...

i have answered your questions.. hehe hope u like it!

cee said...

Loool!! Nice to know more about you. sorry it took me this loooong to read this but it was worth the wait :)!

Mjady said...

Awww...Thanks :-)