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Thursday 29 March 2012

It's For Your Own Good!


When I think of how we easily hurt and are hurt by our loved ones especially our nuclear family members, I really wonder why?

When a member of the family is making even the tiniest decision, we seem to want to look out for the person whether they are up or down the family hierarchy (I think you know what I mean). We seem not to want to see the person make a mistake or get hurt or stressed with that decision, so we are out to try prevent the unpleasant things we foresee.

In this foresight lies two issues that could cause strife between family members;

1. How you relay your foresight.

2. How the involved party receives it.

First I would like to know if this is alien to you. And to share an experience if you find this true. How does strife occur between our family members and ourselves when we are trying to protect their best interest?

Let's get this rolling, please share your thoughts.

I'm waiting...


Unknown said...

Though this sound a little bit strange to me perhaps because am not used to such situations. However, definition of terms here might be necessary. My true definition of family is not the conventional one whose blood I carry but rather those who love me and I do love. It might be necessary to also state the yardstick I use to measure love. Love to me means you care about me that you respect & value my person. Back to your thought. Personally, in the first place I share my thoughts with my 'loved' ones this i believe does not give room for strife. Besides If they really love me they wont have to envy me but celebrate. Hope am still in line with your thoughts.

Mjady said...

Good point Adeoye...would like to know how you do share your thoughts with your family and it does not cause strife. The aim is to identify how family members communicate ineffectively and how that causes strife.